Sunday, March 13, 2011

Enid inspired underwear

Yep I did it alright, made my first bra and the best part is, it fits! Not the best fit but certainly comfortable and wearable.

Bra for young ladies from Ten to Teens and Casual Clothes

The bra is made from cotton and lined with a poly/cotton blend, all remnants. I also added strap adjusters and a bra fastner. Very 50's in style, shame I don't have the bust to give it the sweater girl look!

Whilst it was a challenge to make, it wasn't that difficult, you just need to pin and baste everything. I'm tempted to try another one in a cotton knit to see if it has a better fit. Actually I'm really surprised how well it came together, good one Enid!

Hope you have a great day

Cheers Lisa

Saturday, March 12, 2011

I think I have winter nights sorted thanks to Enid

You  can't just buy good nighties any more, and nothing beats the flannel nightie  for warmth and comfort.  A pair of jammies however ,are more practical for the antics of  little ones. I had some flannel a good net friend sent me, you can see it in the body of the light pink pyjamas and the others are from  some I was saving for a quilt that may never be made.  Well not now as it is pyjamas.

raglan sleeve pyjamas thanks to Kristie from Platinum Babies for the pink pussy cat flannel for the body of the pink jammies :)
A foundation nightie, you couldn't get that in the shops any more . I reckon the monkeys are very funky.
 the pattern pictures just don't want to go right way up for some reason lol just turn your heads to the right angle :P  they both came out of the  "Sewing for your children" book.  but they are also in the other night wear book too.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Another Sun Bonnet

 This little sun bonnet features ina few of the Enid books.
This is the first time I have made it.
I was inspired to have a go after seeing Tab's version
The drafting was easy.
The piecing was a little of a challenge, I've never been fond of sewing curves.

 My tip with this one is PIN PIN PIN or hand baste the brim to the crown.
This has a lovely wide brim and a little flap at the back to cover the neck.
It opens out for easy ironing (if you iron!)

 It adjusts as the back to fit for a long time.
And ties under the neck for those little ones who hate wearing hats.

 Heather was happy to wear this bonnet for about 3 minutes.

 She had to struggle a little to get it off.

 But she was determined!
And finally managed to pull it off.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Sunbonnet for a Toddler

A short introduction: I have 4 Enid books, all very well worn and slightly fragile. I stole 2 off mum who to my knowledge never used them [and she doesn't sew at all any more] so I felt justified. Of the other two, one was ebay and the other in an opshop. I would love more, particularly as my daughters grow, but for now what I've got is still a deep well of inspiration!

My oldest daughter is 17 months and has the right kind of pudgy cheeks for a sunbonnet. I knew I'd seen something cute in these books before, and I found it in Enid Gilchrist's Baby Book.


The Baby Book page 20
I drafted the pattern onto Wheet-bix box cardboard, but I haven't yet found a great way to keep  all my drafted patterns in the one spot. Organisation isn't my forte, so I have lots of random envelopes full of pattern pieces floating around with no rhyme or reason.

The fabric is a gingham that I bought new [unusual for me] to make an Enid inspired dress for Addie [17 months].  The brim calls for stiffened cotton. I only had a lightweight fusible interfacing, so I fused that to a heavy cotton bedsheet [thrifted] and used it in place of stiffened cotton. The brim is soft but holds its own. 

The bonnet in action.

I did some of the back a little differently to the pattern as my good machine is in for service and I couldn't be bothered doing button holes and eyelets by hand. I've put buttons on as embellishment, where they would usually go, but have attached the brim to the back with hand sewn  press studs. They give the swivel movement needed and were much easier in this case. I used an upholstery needle and thin ribbon, separating rather than piercing the fibres in place of eyelets and the wider ribbon I'd rather have used.

Anyone know how to make a toddler
stand still for a picture?

The Sunbonnet is VERY cute! The most sunsmart of all hats too, with a little neck flap and generous brim, I'm very impressed.  I kind of wonder if I could get away with one myself but I think I already know the answer to that!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Summer inspired Enid

Suntops and tennis dresses

From Teenagers and Small Women

The fabric was purchased on sale for $5.00 a meter, the zip is recycled from one of my sister's old school uniforms and the buttons are from my Nana's button collection (of which I am the proud owner). I'll have to make the pattern smaller next time I make this one, as it's a bit on the roomy side.

New nighties - adapted from Ten to Teens

Practice piece - the fabric had been in my stash for about twenty years. It was a tad narrow, so I added panels to the sides and made pleats to allow for extra room. The cotton lace was some of my Mum' s and is older than the fabric.

I liked it so much I made another one!

This one is made in light weight cotton, perfect for those hot summer nights we have here in Queensland.

Cheers Lisa

Friday, February 4, 2011

Truly Inspired by Enid


Beauty and the Beast

  What more could a little girl want more than a princess dress after a bit of thinking i had a look at what i had and I thought if I morphed 2 Enids together I would have the bodice for Belle's dress Even down to the pointy waist, because every princes had to have that feature in her dress.

 This was the result
Belle and her beast. DH found  Beast beside  the railway track  he had a bit of stuffing knocked outta him, so we tended his wounds. Now he lives here in our enchanted castle now LOL.
Well you see you cant take a dress like this off Its just not right.

Snow white scares the heck out of me now but Alice is next apparently.   I already did Alice though..........

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Smart Frock and a Pinafore Dress

As this is my first post I thought it would be fun to share a photo of me with my sister in our Enid Inspired dresses. The photo would have been taken around 1967 or 68.

My sister is on the left wearing a smart frock from Little Coats and Dresses and my pinafore dress is from Play Clothes.

My Mum, her sister and my Nana all used Enid's patterns. I use to love looking through the books, dreaming of all the lovely dresses or dolls clothes Mum could make for me. Sadly the only original book I have is Fancy Dress. Most of my copies I acquired from op shops and a few from ebay.
With so many patterns to try I just don't know where to start!
Cheers Lisa

Monday, January 24, 2011

Jumpsuit and Frock

 I spent the day sewing.
I made three outfits today. 
Another culottes for Lilly, a jumpsuit for Rose and a dress for Fern.
My back is sore, I forgot to get up and stretch.
 Book: Ten to Teens
Pattern: Jumpsuit

 Fabric: Poly cotton from the Oppie
Made For: Rose

 Book: Dresses for Your Daughter
Simple Pattern with Variations.

 I even added the flower pocket detail as Enid designed.
I added the winged sleeves, flared skirt and collar.
The fabric I found at the op shop.

.This dress came together beautifully.
Fern loves it.

 A real vintage pattern and the fabric is probably as old.
There was an option to add a gathered skirt but I think the flared one looks nicer.

 My little vintage girls

Sunday, January 23, 2011


 I spent the morning jamming plums, baking homemade sausage rolls and making trifle.

 But I had that bored, restless feeling. 
That can only be soothed with a good crafting project.
I spen a happy hour browsing my Enid collection.
Looking for something I've not made before.

 I drafted up the pattern.
Then searched through the piles and piles and piles of fabrics,
looking for something just right.
Not too heavy, not too light. 
Not too dull, not too bright. 
Not too plain, not too fussy.

 I'm not sure who gave me this fabric or which Op-shop I bought it from.
But it's perfect!

 I made the culottes almost just as Enid said.
Next time I'll leave out the zip in the side,
as Lilly had no problem getting into the culottes with the zip fastened.
 The perfect little outfit for my tomboyish little girls.
No showing your knickers when you jump on the trampoline, 
climb the gate or  over the fence.

The buttons came from the op-shop.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Baby's Sunsuit

 I've not made this one before.
After seeing THIS and THIS version by Vicki I had to give it a go.

 To avoid forgetting to add seam allowance when cutting. 
I find it easiest to draft the seam allowances onto the pattern before I cut it out.
A french curve and quilters ruler make drafting a lot eaiser.

 I'm using a pillowcase to make Heather's Sunsuit.
 I bought a pair for $1 at the op shop.
The other I made into a peasant Dress.

I made the dress too long so shortened it with a tuck.
Yep, it's crooked.

 And here's the sunsuit all sewn up.
I followed Enid's instructions
 I think she likes it.

 It's a nice fit too
Pattern: Baby's Sunsuit
Book: Play Clothes
Size: 9 to 18 months
Fabric: Pillowcase